Well this whole process has been quite inciteful. Prior to learning all about blogs, wiki's, RSS feeds etc I had not really heard them referred to very often. Since going through the process I hear about them and see them referred to everywhere! It's like before you bought your new car you didn't realise how many of them were actually on the road because you really hadn't paid that much attention. Well I'm paying attention now!! I would very much like to add a lot of the sites that we examined to our library website as I think the public could also benefit a lot from whats available. My favourites would have to be YouTube, Rollyo, Library thing and Picture Generators. They were fantastic little tools that would benefit everyone.
I guess the only critisism I would have would be when links didn't work and things didn't work as they should. I found this a little annoying but otherwise It was a terrific little exercise which I'm pleased to have completed!
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